4 10, 2015

Battle of Lepanto

By |2019-04-10T16:16:08+00:00October 4th, 2015|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Today is the 444th year after the battle of Lepanto, the most important naval battle in history.  Without it, Muslim Turks would have taken over Italy in 1571.  Because of the Mother of God's role in this naval battle, Pope St. Pius V asked that every first Sunday in October be thenceforth remembered and honored as the Feast of the Holy Rosary.  The full story of the naval battle is at Catholic Answers, but this homily ties in the current battle in the Church, and the victory that will come through the Rosary:

29 09, 2015

Silent Before Me

By |2019-04-10T16:16:19+00:00September 29th, 2015|Podcasts, Talks|

Here's a song I wrote in seminary about the Passion of Jesus Christ. Lyrics here You’re in the garden, thinking of me. Blood falls like water, so I could be free. Taken in the night, for the sins of my flesh. Those were my chains, Lord, on your chest. Jesus….You love me more…than I could imagine I adore…Your Sacred Heart…silent before me. Stretched a the pole with blood in your eyes. Skin torn to pieces so that I might rise...Whips start smashing, what do you see? Your mother and me Lord, looking to thee... Jesus….You love me more…than I could imagine I adore…Your Sacred Heart…silent before me. ‘Forgive them [...]

12 07, 2015

The Last Enemy

By |2019-04-10T16:18:56+00:00July 12th, 2015|Talks|

My homily from today in the TLM calendar, the 7th Sunday after Pentecost on the line from St. Paul to the Romans, "The wages of sin is death." These will hopefully be in podcast format starting this summer, but here it is for now. Right-click to download any of these.

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