Confession and the 10 Lepers
The four parts of a good confession.
The four parts of a good confession.
In this sermon for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost, I reference a 1995 death experience of Gloria Polo and an ancient prophesy of St. Francis of Assisi.
Any species of animal must have a formation commensurate to its nature. We are humans with a human nature, but we are called to participate in the Divine Nature through baptism. How can our formation equal the grace already transmitted in the sacraments? Two ways: 1)To live according to the spirit, not the flesh (Romans 8) and 2) To go to the mother who singularly formed the human nature of the God-man.
I interviewed Joseph Sciambra about his exit from work in gay pornography to a chaste life in the Catholic Church. This is part 2 of 2, live from the Castro, San Francisco. You can find a lot more about Joseph's life and apostolate at You can watch both of these coffee-shop interviews with Joseph and myself on Sensus Fidelium.
I interviewed Joseph Sciambra about his exit from work in gay pornography to a chaste life in the Catholic Church. This is part 1 of 2 of my interview in the Castro, San Francisco. You can find a lot more about Joseph at
This podcast considers the heresy of Arius and how St. Athanasius (featured image on blog, feast day 2 May) promoted the faith that is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. That Christ is homoousian (of one substance or one in being) with the Father is the true and orthodox view. Heterodox or heretical views include homoiousian (that the Son is of a similar substance to the Father but not the same) and homoian (that the Son is similar to the Father, in all things, without speaking of substance) and heteroousian (that the Son is of a different substance from the Father, that is, created, as Arius wrongly taught.) But again, the orthodox teaching [...]
This podcast is about the difference Divine Law, Ecclesial Law and Particular Law. This is the necessary interlude for forthcoming heresy podcasts from the fourth century onward.
Why does suffering on earth continue after the Resurrection? The power of the Resurrection is also mentioned in this scientific study linked here.
This podclass tackles the heresies of the third century including Sabellius (founder of Modalism), Paul of Samosata (forerunner of the Adoptionist heresy), Manes (founder of Manichaeism that temporarily ensnared St. Augustine early on in his conversion) and finally we consider two semi-heretics, Tertullian and Origin. On the blog that has photos, you can see Tertullian above. Below is Man-E-Faces, a good symbol of the Sabellian or Modalist heresy. The third century heresies as outline by St. Alphonsus Liguori in the 18th century can be found on this link.
Several hundred people joined us in Jacksonville, FL as we priests carried the Holy Eucharist before three abortion centers in the monstrance under a canopy.