3 10, 2019

“Catholic Feminism” and Divorce

By |2019-09-27T11:54:05+00:00October 3rd, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Today's podcast is with two young grandmothers, one of whom's parents are divorced. We discuss if "Catholic feminism" is possible, as well as what it means to carry the cross in a Catholic culture full of easy annulments. The closed Facebook groups for adult children of divorce mentioned by my guests are found here.

19 09, 2019

GladTrad 10.2: Restoration After Trafficking

By |2019-09-13T21:08:54+00:00September 19th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

This podcast is about how trafficking happens in the United States. We discuss child neglect, cell phones, run-aways, trauma and earning trust. Grace is the foundress of "Children of the Immaculate Heart" and we discuss her vision for recovery of girls who have been trafficked in her California based-home called "The Refuge," seen in pictures below on the blog.  Again, the National Human Trafficking Hotline is 1-888-3737-888.

12 09, 2019

GladTrad 10.1: Child Trafficking in the United States

By |2019-09-10T23:18:21+00:00September 12th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

On today’s podcast, Grace Williams, President of "Children of the Immaculate Heart" discusses what attracted her to the growing mission of rescue and recovery for the child victims of sex-slavery.  The above featured image is a bedroom for formerly trafficked teens in CIH's home, "The Refuge." The National Human Trafficking Hotline is 1-888-3737-888.

29 08, 2019

Glad Trad 9.1: Br. Timothy Meets Mother Teresa of Kolkata

By |2019-08-28T05:05:10+00:00August 29th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

What happens when a NYC male-model meets Mother Theresa in Manhattan?  Today's podcast recounts Br. Timothy's journey to become a diocesan hermit in Montana.  We also tackle the question:  Did Mother Teresa believe all religions are equal?

22 08, 2019

Amazon Synod Podcast 3: Teilhard de Chardin vs. Our Lady of Good Success

By |2019-08-11T21:46:03+00:00August 22nd, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Also RomeCast 20. In our featured image above is 20th century Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ and 16th century Mother Mariana Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres y Berriochoa. In today’s podcast we show that Our Lady of Good Success (who appeared to Mother Mariana) predicted that in 500 years we would see certain attempts to re-write the Catholic Faith and the sacraments. The solution is partly found in new catechism: "The sixth beatitude proclaims, 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.' 'Pure in heart' refers to those who have attuned their intellects and wills to the demands of God's holiness, chiefly in three areas: charity; [...]

14 08, 2019

Amazon Synod Podcast 2: Syncretism vs. Salvation of Souls

By |2019-08-10T16:00:16+00:00August 14th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

In today’s podcast, we talk about first hand experiences of oppressive spirits in pagan roots until becoming Catholic.  We also see how la Nouvelle Theologie led to a collapsing of the order of grace into the order of nature. This led to the false notion that all religions are equal, including paganism and New Age. Both of these notions are openly promoted in the Instrumentorum Laboris of the upcoming Amazon Synod, which we quote directly and generously. We also talk about the third-world missionary work of St. Francis Xavier and Archbishop Lefebvre. This is RomeCast 19.  The Featured Image is the enormous Basilica of Our Lady of Aparacida in Brazil.

8 08, 2019

Amazon Synod Podcast 1: What is an Integral Ecology?

By |2019-08-08T07:37:32+00:00August 8th, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

In this first of three podcasts on the October Amazon Synod in Rome, we discuss the definition of a synod, the new-age roots of an "integral ecology" and the Eastern-religion influences on the 20th and 21st century Catholic Church hierarchy. We also discuss how all this was prophesied by Our Lady of Good Success in the 16th century and how a diabolical disorientation will be solved by an angelic orientation.

1 08, 2019

RomeCast 17: Immigration Part 2 of 2

By |2019-07-28T22:29:34+00:00August 1st, 2019|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

On tonight's podcast, we discuss modern refugees' exposure to human trafficking and profiling one's creed versus one's race (especially in regards to sharia law.) Of course, our RomeCast teachings are very different from what most of you hear from the pulpit on Sundays regarding immigration. Why? We propose, via the reporting of Elizabeth Yore, that this difference is due to a 2016 pay-off within the Catholic Church. Follow the money (or the demons) to know why people are not following faith and reason on these issues.

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