TCE 5: Fatima and the Vatican
What was truly the third secret of the Vatican? How could that hidden secret possibly give us hope? My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."
What was truly the third secret of the Vatican? How could that hidden secret possibly give us hope? My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."
Desc: TS 2:35. The Four Marks, Part 2: A look at the Eastern Rites and the Roman Rite. This is the ninth article of the creed as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) 9.4 p. 29-30. Q/A #15-20: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman.
TS 4:15 The Greek for "Treasure" and "Heart," as well as a meditation on heaven and merit.
What does Sr. Lucia of Fatima, Pope John Paul II and the errors of Russia have to do with coronavirus lockdown? My TCE series stands for "Theology and Current Events."
TS 1:31. The ninth article of the Creed as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX.) 9.3 p. 29-30. Q/A #13-14: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic (and Roman.)
TS 3:44. The Our Father, part 3.
TS 2:12. We consider the ninth article of the creed as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) This is 9.2, p. 28-29. Q/A #8-13: "The Church in Particular."
TS 6:05. The Our Father, part 2.
TS 2:26. We consider the ninth article of the creed as found in the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) This is 9.1 p. 27-28. Q/A # 1-7. The Three Parts of the Church: Militant, Suffering and Triumphant.
This is a talk I gave at a parish on the Feast of the Rosary, 2020. It's about why evangelizing strangers with Miraculous Medals may help save even your own family. We look at everything from King St. Louis IX to the battle of Lepanto to St. Maximilian Kolbe.