23 07, 2021

TCE 24: 10 Planks of the Manifesto

By |2021-07-24T04:52:30+00:00July 23rd, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Steve Cunningham the founder of "Sensus Fidelium" and I look at the 10 planks of how Karl Marx suggested society be changed: 1. Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose. 2. A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax. 3. Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance. 4. Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels. 5. Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly. 6. Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transport in the Hands of the State. 7. Extension of Factories and Instruments of Production Owned [...]

21 07, 2021

CPX 75: Confession 3

By |2021-07-21T13:30:17+00:00July 21st, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) p. 85-86.  Q/A 19-24:  The effects and the necessity of the sacrament of penance and the disposition to receive it properly. - The pneumonic to memorize is C-CAP:  Contrition, Confession, Absolution, Penance. - 15 Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing in Their Confessions (blog):  https://padreperegrino.org/2019/08/mortalsins/ - Tips on making a good confession (video): https://youtu.be/QICKUkEj5WM - How to Make A General Confession (video):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u1ZjJMBTiw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4_TwgPVd1M  

19 07, 2021

VLX 75: Making Life Decisions

By |2021-07-19T13:47:29+00:00July 19th, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Mt 12:1-2 ST. IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA’S RULES FOR THINKING WITH THE CHURCH:  #367.13 If we wish to proceed securely in all things, we must hold fast to the following principle:  What seems to me white, I will believe black if the hierarchical Church so defines.  For I must be convinced that in Christ Our Lord, the bridegroom, and in His spouse the Church, only one Spirit holds sway, which governs and rules for the salvation of souls.  For it is by the same Spirit and Lord who gave the Ten Commandments that our holy Mother Church is ruled and governed. ST. IGNATIUS’ DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS: 314. I. In the case [...]

18 07, 2021

TCE 23:  Our Lady of Good Success for Today

By |2021-07-18T12:45:44+00:00July 18th, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

What did Our Lady in the 16th century predict for the 20th century?  What words of encouragement did she have? Sources: Opening quote from https://www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com/pages/history TFP link at: http://www.tfp.org/tfp-home/about-our-lady/prophecies-of-our-lady-of-good-success-about-our-times.html https://youtu.be/4o1bYajMO08  

30 06, 2021

CPX 73: Confession 1

By |2021-06-30T16:31:09+00:00June 30th, 2021|Podcasts, Sermons, Talks|

Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) p. 83-85.  Q/A 1-14. *** - Pneumonic to memorize: C-CAP: Contrition, Confession, Absolution, Penance. *** - 15 Mortal Sins Catholics Are Missing in Their Confessions (blog): https://padreperegrino.org/2019/08/mortalsins/ - Tips on making a good confession video: https://youtu.be/QICKUkEj5WM - How to Make A General Confession video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u1ZjJMBTiw https://youtu.be/uQ9uFacmZFY  

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