VLX 5: Mt 2:1-6
We meditate upon the Magi preparing for the birth of Christ. We look at the careful study methods of St. Bruno and the imaginative way of prayer of both St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Teresa of Avila.
We meditate upon the Magi preparing for the birth of Christ. We look at the careful study methods of St. Bruno and the imaginative way of prayer of both St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Teresa of Avila.
This is the first meditation of the methods of St. Bruno and St. Teresa of Avila. We consider the two ways to do mental prayer (Catholic Meditation) upon the Nativity of Our Lord as we go through all of St. Matthew's Gospel. This is the first chapter of Matthew's Gospel.
In this podcast, we consider the true date of when St. Matthew wrote his Gospel and we consider the family tree of St. Joseph according to the genealogy of Our Lord according to the flesh in St. Matthew's Gospel.
On today's podcast, you can learn the two ways of mental prayer (mediation on the Gospels) from St. Bruno and St. Teresa of Avila.
Today is the premiere of my Catholic meditation channel. Below you can listen on video+audio on YouTube or below that: audio alone (see podcast links.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ULVNNcviao