Life Updates2021-12-06T17:31:59+00:00
1505, 2015

Old People with Cell Phones in Adoration

By |May 15th, 2015|

I got debilitated by some Indian food poisoning, so I let Ryan start the Camino without me.  I got some good time in adoration in Pamplona.  Let me be clear:  I love seeing people of all backgrounds and ages in adoration.  No one who claims to be pro-life should even begin to bothered by crying babies in adoration chapels.  At the other end of the spectrum, let me say that I love seeing the more "mature" generation in adoration, too.  However, someone needs to tell them how not to use a cell phone before the Blessed Sacrament.  Who will do it?  Ok.  I will do it in a top ten countdown: 10) You don't have to go running out of the chapel to answer your cell phone.  Voicemail comes free with every plan. 9) Vibrate is not off. Vibrate is not off. Vibrate is not [...]

905, 2015

RIP Dr. Alfred Woodward M.D.

By |May 9th, 2015|

The personal physician of Mother Teresa died two days ago (7 May 2015.)  May God grant eternal light and peace to Dr. Alfred C. Woodward M.D. Actually, I brought him all the sacraments two days before that, including Mass in his room.  He had had a heart attack a month or two ago, but I was surprised at his rapid demise, considering that when I saw him, he was awake, alert, ambulatory...and extremely polite.  Since his death, the sisters have told me about his wholehearted and free service to the poorest of the poor of Kolkata, and it is top news for the Times of India. Here's a picture taken by his son for me, outside their place in Kolkata, right after I saw him for the last time:

205, 2015


By |May 2nd, 2015|

The Americans I live with got me Old Spice, for showers here are rendered useless within five minutes of walking through the streets of Kolkata.  Old Spice is a time-tested product that has been eclipsed by newer sprays that promise impassioned encounters with strangers.  So, I'm happy to go with the Old Spice.  However, with the above advertising, I suspect that Old Spice decided that instead of simply replacing the geriatric connotations with sex, they could just combine the two. This advertising stunt of being self-deprecating is a bit like how Radio Shack had a Super Bowl commercial with the Muppets so as to display a good self-deprecating admission of antiquated products.  This way they could have a good [forced] laugh with their customers and move on in their sales (or sink into bankruptcy, like Radio Shack did.) So also, [...]

105, 2015

Sr. Nirmala, Missionary of Charity

By |May 1st, 2015|

Sr. Nirmala Joshi MC is found to the left in the picture above.  It's taken on 14 March 1997, the day that Mother Teresa and a closed-door vote of about 100 sisters made Sr. Nirmala the Superior General of the 5,000 Missionaries of Charity world-wide.   CNN took notice in this article because a Hindu-convert to Catholicism took over the most rapidly-expanding religious order of the 20th century. (Up to that point, her CV was already impressive, as Mother Teresa’s co-founder of the MCs and the foundress of the Contemplative Branch of the Missionaries of Charity in 1976.) Now Sr. Nirmala is 81 years old. She had a heart attack about a month ago. Because she is a veritable celebrity in India, they had to make her hospital stay a very short one. A couple of days ago, I was surprised [...]

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