The Life-Update section of my site could easily become narcissistic, or at least self-centered. But here’s how I justify it: Missionary Orders like the Franciscans and Jesuits (at least between Trent and Vatican II) had to report back in the annals of their congregations how many baptisms, confirmations, etc. they had among the natives in any certain region. I think one reason for this strange convert-counting was simply internal accountability.
So also, the Life-Update pull-down section affords some accountability to my donors as to what I am doing with my life. It is admittedly not as important as the theology section (the default section) or the podcast (talks) pull-down of my site, for those are teaching you the ancient faith and liturgy—something exponentially more important than my life stories. Thus, you can feel free to never visit the Life-Update section of this site if you only want my theology.
But if you’re interested in my life, know that this last month was very unusual. As you probably know by now, I have been arrested twice on the East Coast before 2020 for peaceful counseling inside abortion centers with Red Rose Rescue (RRR.) For our last arrest in New Jersey (2019) there were numerous adjournments to our trial: One due to the scamdemic, another because our pro-bono attorney (Mr. Vincent Sanzone) broke his arm, etc. Thus, we thought our case got lost in the files of Morris County, NJ.
However, we were wrong. We got a letter explaining we better be in court on the 14th of March 2025, or we would be arrested for being in contempt of court. One ironic thing about this is that if Trump had not pardoned Will Goodman at the Federal level (releasing Will from federal prison) I would not have had to go to court at the state level with him! Well, at least it would have been delayed even more, so I was quite willing to get this over with. Live Action described the irony of the pardoning leading to our trial here.
Fast-forward to the trial day: Fr. Fidelis CFR, Will Goodman, Sr. Immolatia and I all arrive at court. However, before we went there, a huge outpouring of grace was tapped-into by the faithful across the country and across the world who wanted to support us for trying to save lives. Thanks a million to you who were praying or came! One of the surprising aspects was that Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana (House of Representatives) wrote a letter to Judge Rosenbluth asking him not to put us in jail for serving the unborn.
Similarly, on the day of our trial, John Yep of Catholics for Catholics (CFC) sent our mutual good friend, Jesse Romero, to have a prayer rally in front of the court house. About fifty people showed up, including my friend Fr. Daniel Nolan FSSP who played his bagpipes for victory. The court session lasted six hours and ultimately we were found guilty of petty trespassing in an abortion center. But that was not before Mr. Sanzone gave a dazzling presentation on the natural law that literally brought me to tears. He defended life and he defended us in a spectacular way.
Ultimately, we were given a suspended sentence of 30 days in jail with 18 months of probation. Basically, that means we are not going to jail, unless we violate the state’s babysitting of us via check-ins with a probation officer for 18 months to make sure we are behaving—as in—not saving babies on killers’ own territory, or doing anything similar to that.
Jesse Romero had me on his show to discuss the entire trial and sentencing here. It is an hour long, but worth the watch (if I might say so myself.) It is important to note that although we went free from at that NJ court, thousands of unborn babies die every day in this country, even today as you read this article. So, there’s hardly room for celebration until abortion is ended.
However, one of the interesting things that happened is that a few weeks before our trial, John Yep (C4C) called me and said “If you’re not in jail mid-March, I have a free ticket for you to Mar-A-Lago for our Catholic event on March 19th.” So, I found out early this year of 2025 that I would either spend the Feast of St. Joseph in a Jersey jail or at Trump’s own Mar-a-Lago.
Because I didn’t go to jail, I went to Mar-A-Lago. (Again, very important to note he gave me a $1200 ticket for free.) But on top of Captain Clay Higgins’ letter in support of us in RRR, another enormous surprise was that Will Goodman (also a member of RRR) would receive an award at Mar-A-Lago for our pro-life work.
In accepting the award at Mar-A-Lago, I was not canonizing Mr. President Trump, but rather thanking him for what he has done thus far. In fact, in my 10-second acceptance speech, I publicly prayed (at Trump’s own resort) for his conversion to real, traditional and Apostolic Catholicism.
Furthermore, it is important to note that Jean Marshall (another pro-life prisoner who did much time in prison and also received an award at Trump’s place from C4C) publicly criticized IVF as being full-blown abortion in her acceptance speech. In fact, John Yep of C4C was even recognized by Catholic News Agency as standing against IVF in an article here on the event.
Frank Walker at Canon212 is a good friend who covered our ups-and-downs from NJ to FL, and after the event I texted him: “Trump’s moving the football in the right direction. He doesn’t have to be in the end zone for me to do a purity test on supporting him when we’re barely climbing out of decades of Communism in this country.” I didn’t expect to share that text in an article, but that’s exactly how I see it.
It’s also why I’m not afraid to show public support to Trump—and why I will publicly pray for his conversion—even at an event at his own home. Thank you to President Trump and all of you for the support.