Here’s why I offer the old Roman Sacraments:
- Mass: The Traditional Latin Mass uses only the Roman Canon, which the Counsel of Trent infallibly states is something Jesus Christ Himself gave to the Apostles as I wrote about in this article.
- Confession: The old-rite absolution automatically includes the lifting of excommunication of certain sins like abortion by the very fact that it includes the word “excommunication” as what is relieved just before the words of absolution, as I explained in this podcast. This is not the case in the new formulation of absolution, but apparently a “tag on” prayer has been added for just such sins.
- Extreme Unction: In the old Rite, the book containing Extreme Unction includes very powerful exorcism prayers surrounding the “Commendation of the Soul” and “On Expiration” prayers. Essentially, the priest is there for hours to protect the soul departing this earth for eternity, and the hours of these prayers are very clear he is there to provide and protect. 98% of these prayers are not found in new parish rituals. I wrote here about these prayers I prayed over my own mother as she died at this time last year.
- Baptism: The old-Rite Baptism also includes numerous exorcisms. Some people say this is not necessary as baptism is more powerful than exorcism. While this is true, the analogy I give is that I would rather pour pure water into a cleansed glass than a dirty glass. Also, exorcisms before the actual baptism seem to keep away certain demons that would return (or never leave) for those children. This is demonstrated in the story of a modern-day exorcist who recounts how many children in one parish in Northern Italy in the 1920s got possessed because their pastor (back when exorcisms were required) decided to omit them. What does that tell you about the state of today’s Catholic kids?
- Marriage: The new-rite is not too different from old in words, but the theology is very different. Most traditionalists marry without the safety-net of getting a “Catholic divorce” (aka annulment.) This means they approach marriage as Christ meant it to be: Indissoluble until death.
- Confirmation: Confirmation is often seen today as an exit-rite out of the Church. In tradition, it was the strength to live and die for Christ, hence the slap to be a soldier for Christ.
- Holy Orders: While the ordination rite for a priest did not change much, the rites and rituals for the consecration of a bishop changed much at Vatican II. One has to ask which “spirit” demanded the overhaul not of one sacrament but all seven. Thankfully, the trajectory of certain countries like France reveals that the Church is returning to her ancient roots as you look at the young people today.

This fruit of Vatican II is long past his expiration-date.