Who caused the crisis in the Church? I did.

“I hereby commit to staying engaged with the suffering of the world, as long as I am alive and as much as I am able.

I commit to this because on the cross no tear is cried in vain, no ache in the heart is unfruitful.

If I will gaze, wide-eyed, at the suffering of the world AND lean in, I will begin to learn what it is to be human, and I will see Jesus.

And there is no other way of being a Christian for me anymore. None whatsoever. If I don’t suffer with/for the world I might as well quit.

If I believe the Gospel—if Jesus really did come to heal me and the whole human race—then I commit to being a vessel of that healing.

His mercy is deep and wide enough for the entire world. Healing humanity is why He lived and died. How can I live for anything else, and how can I not die for it?”—Audrey Assad