As a diocesan hermit, I should be praying about five hours in the morning and working about five hours in the afternoon.  I am finally getting closer to this schedule.  That includes prayer for all my donors who keep me alive.

As most of you know, I am now putting up a video a day.  On Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday I release a 15 minute video on Ignatian Prayer walking through the Gospel of St. Matthew.  This is called VLX (Video Lectio Divina.)  Then, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I release my doctrinal series, the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X (CPX) which is also about fifteen minutes a day.  Both can be found on my podcasts at Padre Peregrino or here on YouTube.

A hermit schedule with so much time in prayer and work gives me also a lot of random thoughts on the state of the world that I am now extemporaneously uploading into something called “Periscope” which can be found on my Twitter account.  My first two short videos state my quick thoughts on coronavirus, police violence, media lies and Catholics believing in superstition.

My first two short videos can be seen here off of my Twitter handle.  The sound works fine on both of these videos, but you might have to hit unmute, depending on your browser or app, as you open these two: